Wild Wings Ecology -
Ecology Services
Bat Training Courses
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Ecology Services & Bat Surveys
Are you a home owner, architect, planning consultant or developer needing a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, Ecology Survey, Protected Species Survey or Bat Survey for a planning application?
Do you need a bat mitigation licence for a barn conversion, building demolition, restoration/refurbishment works or church repairs?
Do you need specialist bat trapping/radio-tracking services for a larger scale housing or infrastructure project?
We can help!
We provide:
Ecological Appraisals
Protected Species Surveys
Bat Surveys - including Advanced Survey Techniques:
Preliminary Roost Assessments (PRAs)
Bat activity surveys: dusk emergence & dawn re-entry
Static detector surveys
Transect surveys
Trapping surveys (mist-netting & harp-trapping)
Bat radio-tagging & radio-tracking
Bat Licences:
Registered Consultants for the Bat Mitigation Class Licence (Bat Low Impact Class Licence) & Bats in Churches Class Licence (Level 2)
Registered Consultants for Bat Survey Class Licence Levels 1-4
European Protected Species (EPS) Mitigation Licences
Advanced/specialist Science & Conservation Project Licences
Contact us for advice or a quote