We set up our Bat Licence Training Courses in 2017 in response to demand for quality, intensive, structured courses, targeted at each Bat Survey Class Licence level.
We believe in a hands-on approach, giving you the opportunity to learn skills in field-based practical sessions, as well as ensuring a comprehensive grounding in the theory through classroom-based modules.
We keep group sizes small!
The courses are designed to complement and strengthen your wider training and may be used to kick-start your training towards a specific licence level, as a ‘boost’ to your existing experience or to help you complete your training for a licence.
Subject to meeting the required standards, passing the course assessments and review of a satisfactory training log/your additional experience, the Course Tutor can provide a 'Course Completion Certificate’, where appropriate. Natural England will accept our Course Completion Certificates in lieu of 1 reference when applying for a licence.
Courses are held in Lenwade (near Norwich), with field excursions around Norfolk.