Wild Wings Ecology Ltd is an independent company founded in 2018, combining specialist ecological services, quality training provision and applied research, with particular expertise in bats.
We are based at the University of East Anglia campus in Norwich, Norfolk.
Dr Charlotte Packman Director
Holly Nichols Assistant Ecologist
Dave Showler Associate
John Worthington-Hill Associate
Dave Andrews Associate
In addition, we have a diverse network of specialist Associates who work with us on different projects.
UEA Bird Group
Philip Parker Associates
Lotty’s background is in applied ecological research, with a PhD and post-doctoral research at the University of East Anglia and University of Bristol. Lotty has been conducting research into managing the impacts of large bat colonies on medieval churches, using innovative techniques and running large-scale radio-tracking trials.
Lotty is passionate about bats and leads on mist-netting, harp-trapping and radio-tracking projects as well as running our popular Bat Licence Training Courses (and is also the Trainer for the Bats in Churches Class Licence).
Lotty is a Trustee of the Norfolk Barbastelle Study Group and member of the Norfolk Small Myotis Study Group. Additionally, she supervises a variety of bat research projects at the University of East Anglia.
Lotty holds Level 3 & 4 Bat Survey Class Licences, a range of Research Project Licences and is a Registered Consultant for the Bat Mitigation (Low Impact) Class Licence and Bats in Churches Class Licence (Level 2).
Holly has a degree in Ecology from the University of East Anglia and is continuing her studies at UEA part-time on the MSc Applied Ecology and Conservation programme. She is a bird, bee and bat enthusiast with a particular interest in conservation. Holly first joined our team on an Internship, gaining experience in a range of bat survey techniques, bat handling and radio-tracking and she now holds a Level 2 Bat Survey Class Licence. Holly works on a range of our projects, carrying out bat activity surveys, radio-tracking, data analysis, report writing and assists with the running of our training courses.
Holly also volunteers for the RSPB on the Bittern Monitoring Survey and has been involved in the Little Tern Project and the Ringed Plover/Little Ringed Plover Breeding Survey. She is also working towards her C Ringing Permit with the British Trust for Ornithology.
Dave has over 30 years of professional experience in the field of nature conservation and ecological consultancy, working both in the UK and abroad. An all-round ecologist with a particular interest in herpetology and ornithology, Dave is also a keen botanist and undertakes many arable plant surveys. Dave has expertise in report writing, undertaking literature reviews and has contributed to several conservation-oriented books, as well as scientific publications. He is also a wildlife artist, with line drawing and watercolour illustrations appearing in numerous books including A Field Guide to the Birds of China, Fauna of Arabia and Wicken Fen – the making of a wetland nature reserve.
Dave’s higher education was undertaken at the University of East Anglia, where he gained a BSc in Environmental Sciences in 1986 and an MSc in Applied Ecology and Conservation (Distinction) in 1999.
John is an experienced ecologist with a broad skills base. He has ten years’ experience carrying out protected species surveys in the UK, specialising in bird, bat and reptile surveys, and has been involved in various development-related mitigation projects.
John has an MSc in Applied Ecology and Conservation from the University of East Anglia where, over the past three years, he has worked as a Research Associate undertaking fieldwork on breeding waders. His research interests lie primarily within behavioural and population ecology, and in applied issues of understanding and managing the impact of environmental changes on wildlife. He has led research projects on tawny owls and adders and is experienced in a range of techniques including radio telemetry and computer simulation modelling.
John has completed numerous herpetological surveys overseas and has worked extensively with conservation organisations in India, undertaking field research and community education with a focus on snake-human conflict.
Dave has been working as an Ornithologist and Consultant Ecologist since 2010, following a MSc in Applied Ecology and Conservation at the University of East Anglia. Specialising in ornithology, Dave has extensive experience surveying birds professionally across the UK, Africa and the Middle East, as well as on research projects in Europe, Africa, South America and Southeast Asia.
Dave has worked as a Senior Ecologist and Clerk of Works monitoring cable laying operations associated with offshore windfarms, providing support and ecological advice to construction staff and ensuring compliance with ecological requirements.
Dave is also an experienced water vole surveyor (working on trapping and translocation projects) and carries out great crested newt, badger and bat surveys. Most recently Dave has worked as a Lead Surveyor on bird, water vole, bat, harvest mouse and badger surveys on a major infrastructure project. Dave is CSCS qualified to work on active construction sites.
UEA Bird Group is an independent Constituted Community Group involved in training, research and consultancy in the UK and abroad. The group specialises in surveying birds, bats and invertebrates in the UK and Africa, mainly for biodiversity assessments and research-based project work.
Members of the Group hold licences for bats (inc. mist-netting and harp-trapping) and for birds (mist-netting and Schedule 1 species surveys) and have extensive experience in gathering and interpreting high quality survey data.
The group is led by Dr Iain Barr MCIEEM, Director of Ecology Degrees at the University of East Anglia, with other group members across Norfolk.